Sep 17, 2011

Many changes and with change many blessings!

The past couple of weeks have been such a whirl wind!  Through all the chaos and crazy days God has totally been in control and in charge.

Roger started a new job in Overland Park Kansas, on Monday.  As a result we moved our family to the Kansas City Area.  We came and found a wonderful home that is perfect for our family, we are able to live in it while our House in Texas sells.  We have gotten the kids enrolled and started school.  Everyone is adjusting very well.  I have a good chunk of our boxes unpacked, though there is a long way to go.  Every day I make more strides and get more put away and done.  We have found a wonderful church, with an amazing Woman's group.  We have been blessed with a wonderful neighbor family that just loves our kids and loves having them around playing all the time.  They have been such a blessing.  Everything about this move, including the job, the house, the movers. and every detail you could possibly come up with God has provided and blessed us immensely!

Currently I am listening to the thunder and the rain.  It has been rainy most of the week.  The temps are so  much cooler than in Texas.  It is taking some getting adjusted to the climate difference.  I am loving but have figured out that my body is not yet adjusted.  I have froze for a couple of days.  We have struggled to get out of the 50's and 60's for 3 days now.  So amazing.  We have had to turn our heater on at night to take off the chill in the house.

For the first time in my life it is just me during the day.  Roger is gone to work, the kids are all gone to school. I am back to the dilemma I have pondered all summer long.  Only for the first time I have experienced the quiet.  I am going to have to figure out some things to do during the day.  I get up with the kids, get them and Roger off for the day and I do all my house work, and by 10:30-11 I am done.  I can only do so much decorating and unpacking.  I am planning on getting my sewing machine set up this week.

I am very excited about the woman's retreat next weekend.  It has been such a blessing to plan I am praying that the retreat will be just as much blessing to me and to all the wonderful ladies that are attending.

It is late and I am tired. God bless!

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