Aug 23, 2011

Back to School

Been a crazy and hetic day.  Bobby said highschool was very different, but had a great day!  He was completely worn out.

Chris said it was overwhelming but sooooo much fun.  He was excited to have homework.

Bekah said there are a lor of rules, but it was an ok day.

Sarah started kindergarten, she was upset she had to get up early but so excited she sat on the curb 30 mins watching for the bus.

All my babies are in school.  I was crazy busy today with doc appts, missing shot records, runni g errands and groceries.  However tomorrow should be much calmer i hope! 

I have a large list of projects in store for myself.  Some organizing, some baby blankets for friends, my challenge quilt, to name a few. 

I am still recovering from diverticulitis, so i wont be going back to the gym for 2 weeks.  I hated the gym at first, but oh i miss it so much.  I am a crossfitter!  It is tough, intense, and it stretches me beyond my wildest dreams.  It is a challenge, something new everytime.  But i feel like i actually accomplished something after each work out.  Something to be very proud of.

I am so proud of Roger, he is working so hard at finding a job.  He has been unemployed a month now.  He has had a couple phone interviews, but nothing yet.  He is not discouraged, he is keeping his head up. 

We know that God has a plan for our family, and whenHe is ready He will reveal his marvoulous plan.

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