May 10, 2011


Yes Sunday was a rough day.  But I have some wonderful friends and family that encouraged me and reminded me that I love serving my family.  It is not always about me.  It is about God's plan for my family.   And that I am so very blessed with the ability to serve them, it wasn't long ago that I wasn't able to.  And even if it was a day to honor moms, I was doing my job of taking care of my family.  They mean so much to me!  I also hurt my sweat husbands feelings with my post.  And for that I am sorry.  I never meant to hurt him.  I was frustrated and looking for attention.  Stacey , my mom , Lynn, and Lori you ladies mean the world to me.  I am so blessed to have you in my life and to encourage me when I get down.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Lynn Leaming said...

And I am blessed to know you would do the same for me.
